Mike, Alex and Zico

Alex Taylor

Alex has been involved in the waste and recycling sector for over twelve years. An avid explorer, he has visited North Korea, Transnistria, Uzbekistan, Libya in the throes of a revolution and Japan after a tsunami. He speaks six languages, specializing in East-European languages and has an in-depth knowledge of ex-USSR culture. His abilities to charm border guards, negotiate with traffic police officers, speak Russian and cut through red tape are ideal for this expedition. He is an keen epee fencer despite a gammy leg and currently lives in London.


Michael graae

Mike is a photographer and cinematographer with considerable experience shooting editorial, commercial, and video for various clients. His editorial work has been published in major newspapers and magazines including The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Financial Times, among others. When time allows, Mike enjoys road cycling, mountain biking, sailing, and skiing. Mike currently resides in New York City and holds a BA (Hons) degree in photojournalism from the London College of Communication.


Zico Roncevic 

Zico is a radio design engineer and an amateur photographer who loves travel; a trip to Mongolia has been one of his lifelong dreams.  He hopes he will not have to use his problem solving and mechanical skills in case of a break down (wishful thinking!) but that he will spend the journey enjoying the landscapes and capturing all the good moments on camera on the way. He lives in London and in his spare time he enjoys cycling, swimming and tennis.




Photography Courtesy Uzbekistan Embassy London